What is a disability?
An individual is considered to have a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life activity, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment.
Read More: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended in 2008
Disability Services provides accommodations to qualifying students with documented disabilities. The disabilities we most frequently support, but are not limited to:
- Mental Health
- ADHD and other Learning Disorders
- Mobility Impairments
- Physical Disabilities
- Chronic Medical Conditions
- Traumatic Brain Injury/Impairment
- Sensory Impairment
- Speech or Language Impairment
- Substance Abuse
- Eating Disorders
* Disability Services can also assist with temporary injuries when appropriate.
What are academic accommodations?
An accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a course, program, service, job, activity or facility that enables a student with a qualifying disability to participate equitably. Disability Services provides a variety of services to students with disabilities. The accommodations most frequently provided include, but are not limited to:
Testing Accommodations
- Extra time on exams
- Alternative testing environments
- Permission to use a computer, calculator or assistive technology
Assistive Devices and Services
- Note Takers
- Tutoring
Course Materials in Alternative Format
- Large print
- Electronic format
- Braille
How does a student request accommodations and services through Disability Services?
Accommodations and services are determined on an individual basis. First, a student should fill out Disability Request Form. Afterwards, a student should schedule an Accommodations Meeting with the Associate Director of Student Success.
Once a student is registered in our office, how can they access their accommodations?
Once a student is registered in our office, we will send out a Letter of Accommodation to both the student and their professors. Once the Disability Notification email has been sent, accommodations are in effect. However, accommodations are never retroactive, and only begin once the student has registered in our office. It is the responsibility of the student to discuss their specific accommodations with their professors. If a student is requesting testing accommodations, she is required to fill out the Testing Accommodation Form and return it to our office, two weeks in advance of an exam.
Housing Accommodations
Medical Accommodations
Any student who would like to live in Andersen Hall and requires specific disability accommodations should request via our Medical Accommodation Form. Students must complete both the Medical Accommodation form and the Physician Verification Form. Current MSM students must submit the required documentation to the Office of Residence Life no later than March 31st. You can submit your completed forms by email or snail mail. The Office of Residence Life will make every effort to meet the needs of incoming students. Email April Jenkins, Director of Residence Life at ajenkins@lixubing.com or mail to: Director of Residence Life / 136 Claremont Ave. / New York, NY 10027
Animals on Campus
Animals are generally not permitted in School buildings with some exceptions, such as service animals, service animals in training, and assistance animals determined to be a reasonable accommodation by Disability Services, among others.
Service animals: dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. The task(s) performed must be directly related to the specific person’s disability. (ADA)
Emotional support animals: animals of various species whose mere presence significantly reduces or alleviates one or more symptoms of a person’s medical condition. These animals are passive and are not trained to engage in recognition and response as it relates to a person’s condition.
MSM Emotional Support Animal Policy
Students with service animals who live in campus housing: For your own protection and that of your service dog, you are welcome (but not required) to inform both Residence Life [ajenkins@lixubing.com] and Disability Services [vwatson@lixubing.com].
Individuals must request to have an emotional support animal in Andersen Hall as a reasonable accommodation through Disability Services. Individuals may start this process by filling out the Disability Services Request & Identification Form.
Please note that Manhattan School of Music cannot provide:
- Restructuring of the curriculum to address a student’s particular learning needs
- Unlimited leaves of absence or permission to entirely avoid attendance expectations outlined in the Manhattan School of Music policy regarding attendance outlined in the Student Handbook.
- Unlimited time for examinations
- Accommodations which are unduly burdensome to the educational institution as a whole
- Financial support based solely upon a student’s disability status or for personal services
Additional Resources
- College Resources for Students with Disabilities, the Ultimate Guide
- List of Helpful Resources for Students with Disabilities
- Education USA, Resources for Students with Disabilities
- Learning Disabilities and Online College
- Speech Disorder Resources for College Students
- Guide for Paying for College for Students with Disabilities
- Career Guide for People with Disabilities
- College & Career Resource for Students with Disabilities
- Resources and Support for College Students with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, or Dyscalculia
- National Service Animal Registry – Emotional Support Animal Registration
Frequently Asked Questions
Where should my documentation be submitted?
What is the privacy requirement for health information provided to Disability Services?
How can I file a grievance?
Vaughn Watson
Director of Student Success